Vision, Values and Ethos
Vision, Values and Ethos
Condover Church of England Primary School
Love Each Other and Know We Are Loved
Love Forgiveness Trust
John:13 34-35 - ‘A new command I give you, love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another’.
Our Christian Values which underpin everything else are Love, Forgiveness and Trust. We feel that it is really important all children and adults feel loved and supported as part of one family, through trusting relationships in a secure environment. At the heart of this vision is the understanding that God loves us and we seek to reflect this love through our actions as a school community and as individuals. Loving relationships between the children, our two schools, within our church communities, village communities and the diverse global community to which we belong are the foundations of success. The mental health and well-being of everyone in our school builds on these strong foundations and therefore ensures personal growth and learning to achieve their full potential.
As a church school in the Diocese of Hereford Multi Academy Trust our Christian vision of
Love each other and know we are loved, underpinned by our Christian values of
and trust
is central to all aspects of life at Condover School. The warm welcoming and family atmosphere is evident as soon as you enter the school building.
Pupils are encouraged to apply our learning values of
- resilience
- independence
- collaboration
- creativity
- self- motivation and
- confidence
in all of their lesson as well as the wider life of school.