Breakfast and Sunset Club
Our Breakfast Club and Sunset Club are very popular with the children and a really helpful service for working parents. Both clubs are run by members of the school staff team.
Breakfast Club
Runs every morning during term time (excluding PD days) from 8am
£4 per child (£3 for siblings if more than one child from a family is attending)
Breakfast of cereal, toast and a drink are served daily and pupils enjoy a range of activities which include: Computer activities, construction game, board games, fitness activities, lego, puzzles art equipment and children’s TV.
Payment is made via SchoolMoney on a weekly basis.
Sunset Club
Runs every day from 3.15 until 6pm during term time and excluding PD days.
£10 per child. (£5 for siblings if more than one child from a family is attending)
A light tea is served each day which the children often enjoy helping to prepare.
Activities include: Sport, art and crafts, computer, Children’s TV, cooking, board games, lego, painting, drama, movies, table tennis, gardening and much more.
You are encouraged to book in advance via google forms- the links below. Each form represents a different week of term.
Your daily bill will be recorded on SchoolMoney, we request prompt payment by the end of each week.
We accept childcare voucher schemes. Please email the office for more information: