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Bitterley C of E  Primary School

Condover C of E Primary School

Love each other and know we are loved (John 13:34-35)

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Governance and DHMAT

Condover CE Academy is part of the Diocese of Hereford Multi Academy Trust (DHMAT)

The DHMAT Board is responsible for overall governance of the academies in the trust. 

DHMAT AGM Notice 2025

DHMAT Vision

Delivering outstanding education within an inclusive Christian context.


To ensure that our academies are centres of excellence with a focus on the nurture and achievement of all their members

To foster, maintain and celebrate the Christian distinctiveness of our Church Schools as places for those of faith or no faith

To promote mutual support, encouragement and benefit between all our academies

To develop, as the foundation stone of academic achievement, a strong culture of professional development amongst our staff

To recognise and address the challenges of small rural communities

To celebrate and maintain the unique identity of each school within its community and within the family of academies

To recognise and enable those who often remain invisible, through ethnic or cultural disadvantage, or through disability or poverty


The vision of the Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) is to create a family of Academies, which will interact and co-operate with each other in a relationship that will mean the bringing academies into such a grouping we can ensure that support can be given from one setting to another, with good practice extended and exchanged. We will seek to maintain the Christian characteristics and distinctiveness of each setting, as this is an essential compliance for continued use of the buildings and facilities as outlined in each individual Trust Deed. We will develop excellence in all aspects of the work of our academies, not only in terms of academic achievement and performance, but also in organisational and financial management, student support and development and community engagement

Contact Details are:

Andrew Teale

Chief Executive Officer

Diocese of Hereford MAT

Unit 11, The Business Quarter, Ludlow Eco Park, Ludlow, Shropshire, SY8 1FD


Email: or Telephone: 01584 838880

Local Academy Board (LAB) members


Chris Breakell  -  Chairperson

Laura Clarke- Vice Chairperson

Lisa Tromans - Clerk 



Christine Oakley

Kevin Martin

Reverend Laura Hnatiuk

Maurice Walker-Prior

Margaret Beever

Ewan Evans

Kerrie Lewis

Becky Elvins


The Local Academy Board has delegated responsibilities, as outlined in the scheme of delegation. The principle function of the LAB is school improvement.

The Chairperson meets fortnightly with the Headteacher.


The LAB meet half termly.


LAB members make visits to the school throughout the year.