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Bitterley C of E  Primary School

Condover C of E Primary School

Love each other and know we are loved (John 13:34-35)

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At Condover C of E School we follow the Coram Life Education SCARF Primary PSHE and RSE scheme of work. This program has been developed by teachers and centred on a values based and growth mindset approach. The SCARF values are safety, caring, achievement, resilience and friendship. SCARF resources also promote positive behaviour, mental health and well-being. SCARF relationships and sex education resources help children and young people to be safe, healthy and happy, both as they grow and in their future lives. SCARF resources ensure that our school also meets SMSC development, safeguarding, emotional well-being requirements, as well as ensuring that we meet the requirements of the DFE primary RSE curriculum, and National Curriculum science. Alongside the SCARF Scheme of

we may also use the Shropshire Local Authority- Respect Yourself Transition Programme resources to support our relationship and sex education teaching.


Children are taught RSE within our PHSE lessons through the following six half termly topics.


Early Years:

 Me and my relationships

 Following difference

 Keeping myself safe

 Rights and responsibilities

 Being my best

 Growing and changing


KS1 and KS2:

 Me and my relationships

 Valuing difference

 Keeping myself safe

 Rights and responsibilities

 Being my best

 Growing and changing


Coram Life Education Charity

Coram Life Education is the leading charity provider of relationships, health, wellbeing, and drugs education to children across the UK. Coram Life Education & SCARF offers a whole-school approach to wellbeing and Mental Health.  Our PSHE education supports over 50,000 teachers and reaches over 600,000 pupils every year.

Our service includes SCARF, a comprehensive, fully resourced, progressive PSHE scheme of work for 3-11 year olds, high-quality, educator-led workshops for pupils and a host of free and low-cost staff training, truly supporting schools with a Whole-school approach to wellbeing and Mental Health. Our vision is for all children to acquire the life skills needed to thrive.