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Bitterley C of E  Primary School

Condover C of E Primary School

Love each other and know we are loved (John 13:34-35)

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Welcome to our History Page

The history curriculum at Condover has been developed with the help of pupil voice. We used this as an indicator of strengths and weakness in pupils’ historical knowledge and developed the three yearly projects around this. Living in such a rich historical area, we want to develop the pupils’ local history knowledge and encourage them to appreciate the rich history of their locality. This is evident in our projects: ‘Condover/Dorrington’, ‘Castles’, ‘Evolution’ and ‘Industrial Revolution’ in Cycle 1 and ‘Shrewsbury/Dorrington, ‘Evolution’ and Industrial Revolution in Cycle 3.

Below you will see how History skills progress as the children move up through the school. This is achieved through the projects we teach. The plan for those projects is also found below. 

Please visit the following websites where you can search for some great primary  sources.

Please see below some useful websites linking to our projects.